AP IMPACT: Seoul probes civilian `massacres' by US

AP IMPACT: Seoul probes civilian `massacres' by US 

Title : AP IMPACT: Seoul probes civilian `massacres' by US

Description : EDITOR'S NOTE: Nine years ago, the world learned of a hidden chapter of the Korean War _ the killing of refugees at a place called No Gun Ri. Now investigators are shedding light on what one calls 215 "other No Gun Ris." Here is a report.

Creator : Charles J. Hanley (Associated Press Writer); Jae-SoonChang (Associated Press Writer)

Record Type : 문서류

Original Format : journal article

URL : http://www.nbcnews.com/id/25999745/ns/world_news-asia_pacific/t/seoul-probes-civilian-massacre-us-forces/#.W4hUz34nbp4

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Title : AP IMPACT: Seoul probes civilian `massacres' by US

Description : EDITOR'S NOTE: Nine years ago, the world learned of a hidden chapter of the Korean War _ the killing of refugees at a place called No Gun Ri. Now investigators are shedding light on what one calls 215 "other No Gun Ris." Here is a report.

Creator : Charles J. Hanley (Associated Press Writer); Jae-SoonChang (Associated Press Writer)

Publisher : NBCNEWS

Contributor : Randy Herschaft (Associated Press Investigative Researcher in New York)

Record Type : 문서류

Original Format : journal article

URL : http://www.nbcnews.com/id/25999745/ns/world_news-asia_pacific/t/seoul-probes-civilian-massacre-us-forces/#.W4hUz34nbp4

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